Pipeline Components



About the owner

Name: Jan Eliasen
Address: Engbovej 22
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Country: Denmark
Email: jan@eliasen.dk
Birthdate: 27'th May 1976
MSN: jan@eliasen.dk
Skype: jan.eliasen
Phone: +45 61334242
Social status: Divorced and has two sons


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This page contains links to and descriptions of pipeline cand pipeline omponents for BizTalk.

Pipeline Components

DevNull (Find it here)
This pipeline component is quite simple. It will "swallow" everything that comes as input. This enables performance testing of stuff without concerns about adapter transport time at send port for instance.
Search and Replace (Find it here)
This component will perform a search and replace on the incoming stream, replacing some string with some other string. Optionally, you can decide to let the input string be a regular expression and replace based on that instead of normal string search and replace.
Promote (Find it here)
This component has four parameters, the name of a property, the namespace of the property, a constant and an XPath expression. The component will either use the constant or read in the value that corresponds to the XPath expression at runtime and promote it to the property given by the name and name space. This enables you to promote one element of a series of reoccurring elements.
Suspend After Map (Find it here)
In BizTalk 2009 (which is the only supported BizTalk version for this pipeline component) there has been added support for recoverable interchanges for errors occurring during mapping on receive ports after disassembling. This is achieved by setting a specific promoted property to “true”. I have created a pipeline component that will do this for you.
Write Properties (Find it here)
This pipeline component serves almost NO purpose at all, except I used it for debugging to see what properties existed on a message going through BizTalk. It will write out all context of a message to the eventlog, one event at a time.
Tracer component (Find it here)
A sample pipeline component that logs messages as they are read to files.
Fix encoding component (Find it here)
A sample custom pipeline component you can use to tell the XmlDisassembler what encoding an incoming message is. Written originally for BTS 2006 beta 2
Fix encoding component for BizTalk 2004 (Find it here)
A back-ported version for BizTalk 2004 of this component
Remove namespaces (Find it here)
This post is about how to write a steraming pipeline component that removes namespaces from XML for you.
XSLT Transform sample (Find it here)
The XSLT Transform Component sample demonstrates how to write a custom pipeline component to transform an XML message using XSLT.


BizTalk Server Pipeline Component Wizard (Find it here)
A project meant to ease to development of pipeline components used within a BizTalk Server environment. Supports both C# and VB.NET
How to Develop BizTalk Custom Pipeline Components - Part 1 (Find it here)
First part of a three part series on development of pipeline components.
How to Develop BizTalk Custom Pipeline Components - Part 2 (Find it here)
Second part of a three part series on development of pipeline components.
How to Develop BizTalk Custom Pipeline Components - Part 3 (Find it here)
Third part of a three part series on development of pipeline components.
Accessing Standard Context properties in Biztalk pipelines like FileName (Find it here)
A blog entry describing how to access the built-in context properties in Bizalk through code in a pipeline component.


How to Use Expressions to Execute Pipelines (Find it here)
Calling a pipeline from within an orchestration in Biztalk 2006 (Find it here)