eliasen.eu Functoids

bLogical funtoids



About the owner

Name: Jan Eliasen
Address: Engbovej 22
Zip and city: 9200 Aalborg SV
Country: Denmark
Email: jan@eliasen.dk
Birthdate: 27'th May 1976
MSN: jan@eliasen.dk
Skype: jan.eliasen
Phone: +45 61334242
Social status: Divorced and has two sons


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This page contains links to and descriptions of functoids for BizTalk.

eliasen.eu Functoids

Add Carriage Return and Line Feed (Find it here)
This functoid adds Carriage Return (0x0D) and/or Line Feed (0x0A) to a string.
Convert First Letter to Uppercase (Find it here)
This functoid converts a string into the same string, with all words inside the string having been converted to lowercase with a capital first letter. You can optionally specify a list of strings that should not be altered.
CSV Extract (Find it here)
This functoid extracts a certain substring from a string separated given a separator and a position.
Cummulative Comma (Find it here)
This functoid creates a comma separated list of values based on a reoccurring element.
Date Converter (Find it here)
This functoid converts a string representing a datetime from one format to another format, completely customizable.
If-Then-Else (Find it here)
This functoid helps you deal with the If-Then-Else issue in maps.
New GUID (Find it here)
This functoid returns a newly generated and unique GUID.
Read Application Config (Find it here)
This functoid reads a value from BizTalks app.config file.
String Replace (Find it here)
This functoid replaces a string inside another wtring with a third string. It simply uses the String.Replace method in .NET 2.0.

bLogical funtoids

Database functoid with caching (Find it here)
This functoid adds caching to a database lookup functoid
XRef with caching (Find it here)
This functoid adds caching capabilities to an XRef functoid


Context Accessor (Find it here)
This functoid gives you the posibility to access context properties of the source mesage of a map.


MSDN article on writing a custom functoid (Find it here)
This MSDN article walks you through the steps necessary to develop custom functoids, be they inline or referenced and normal or cumulative.
Referenced Cumulative Functoids are not Thread-Safe (Find it here)
This blog posts describes why custom referenced cumulative functoids cannot be thread safe. This includes the built-in functoids that ship with BizTalk.