Free Adapters


Documentation and Usage

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Name: Jan Eliasen
Address: Engbovej 22
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Country: Denmark
Birthdate: 27'th May 1976
Skype: jan.eliasen
Phone: +45 61334242
Social status: Divorced and has two sons


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This page contains links to and descriptions of adapters for BizTalk.

Free Adapters

/dev/null adapter for BizTalk 2004 (Find it here)
This adapter simply deletes anything that comes through it. Nice adapter to use if you need to send something out in order to initialize a correlation set without actually having a message go anywhere.
/dev/null adapter for BizTalk Server 2006 R2 (Find it here)
This adapter simply deletes anything that comes through it. Nice adapter to use if you need to send something out in order to initialize a correlation set without actually having a message go anywhere. A version of the /dev/null adapter for BizTalk Server 2006 R2 that illustrates how to add a custom adapter configuration dialog using IPropertyPageFrame.
BizTalk Server Adapter for Printing (Find it here)
This adapter dynamically sends messages to printer based on content. This print adapter is quite similar to SMTP Adapter wherein you can send messages to but does not pull any messages for BizTalk processing.
BizTalk Scheduled Task Adapter (Find it here)
An Biztalk Server 2004/2006 in-process receive adapter that executes a prescribed task on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule. The adapter is configured entirely within Biztalk, all config is stored within the SSODB and can be exported and imported via binding files. The schedule capabilities are similar to those available with the Windows Scheduled Task Service.
Three simple tasks are included:
  • XmlString - generates a Biztalk message from a configured Xml string
  • FileReader - generates a Biztalk message from the contents of a file
  • HttpDownload - generates a Biztalk message from data downloaded from a web site
Custom tasks can be created. Any .NET class that implements the appropriate interface can be scheduled.
BizTalk Sftp Adapter (Find it here)
This adapter was developed for a someone who needed to transfer files independent from any choice of platform. Blogical.Shared.Adapters.Sftp utilizes an open source library for the actual communication with the sftp/ssh server. The library is developed by Tamir Gal. For more information: The adapter has implemented a more sophisticated scheduler for setting up the polling interval. Rather than stating this property in milliseconds, you’re able to set a timely, daily, weekly or even a monthly scheduled polling interval. This part of the code comes from the Biztalk Scheduled Task Adapter.
SQL Bulk Load (Find it here)
Eric Stott has created a adapter for bulk loading into SQL Server. It loads 3 hours worth of work in 1 minute compared to the built-in SQL Adaper.
ODBC adapter (Find it here)
The Community BizTalk Adapter for ODBC is based on the code that was first made available on GotDotNet a few years ago. TwoConnect has refreshed this code, added an installer, and tested it against the latest BizTalk editions.


Developing Custom Adapters (Find it here)
The MSDN documentation for creating a custom adapter.
Configuration for custom adapters (Find it here)
Blog entry by Tomas Restrepo, that describes how to use custom configuration on custom adapters
BizTalk Adapter Wizard for BizTalk Server 2006 (Find it here)
The BizTalk Adapter Wizard for BizTalk Server 2006 is a Visual Studio 2005 project wizard which creates all of the framework code for your custom BizTalk adapter. The adapter wizard is accessible from the Visual Studio menu: File - New - Project - BizTalk projects.

Documentation and Usage

Working With BizTalk Adapter for SQL Server (Find it here)
This document provides general knowledge about the Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for SQL Server. It gives suggestions about when to use the SQL transport and how to retrieve, insert, update, and delete data. It also includes code samples. Amongst others, it shows how to ue the at-identity for parent-child relations when inserting.
Oracle Adapter Installation (Find it here)
Blog entry that describes installation of the Oracle adapter that ships with BizTalk Server 2006.
Microsoft CRM - I (Find it here)
Part one of a series of five blog entries about using the BizTalk Adaper for Microsoft CRM.
Microsoft CRM - II (Find it here)
Part two of a series of five blog entries about using the BizTalk Adaper for Microsoft CRM.
Microsoft CRM - III (Find it here)
Part three of a series of five blog entries about using the BizTalk Adaper for Microsoft CRM.
Microsoft CRM - IV (Find it here)
Part four of a series of five blog entries about using the BizTalk Adaper for Microsoft CRM.
Microsoft CRM - V (Find it here)
Part five of a series of five blog entries about using the BizTalk Adaper for Microsoft CRM.